Alabama Real Estate Post-License Classes
License renewal around the corner? Complete post-licensing classes online to stay compliant in Alabama.

Alabama Course Packages for Real Estate Post-Licensing Education
AL Salesperson Requirements
What You Need
Individual Alabama Real Estate Post-Licensing Courses
30-Hour Alabama Post License Course
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The 30 Hour real estate Post License course in Alabama contains practical training and information about real estate business planning, prospecting, and real estate documents. This Post License course is all you need to fulfill the state requirements to renew your Alabama Real Estate License.
To renew a real estate license as a newly licensed salesperson, you need to meet the post-licensing requirements by completing a 30-hour post-licensing course in Alabama.
In Alabama, you will have to complete a 30-Hour real estate post license course within the first six months of acquiring your license.
At Colibri, a real estate post-license course generally costs between $108 – $179 in Alabama.
A person shall be required to have a temporary license issued prior to taking a post-license course. If a salesperson’s temporary license is issued on active status, the 30-hour post license course must be completed within six (6) months of licensure for active licensees. The six month period begins on the first day of the month following issuance of the temporary license and concludes on the last day of the sixth month. The state requires a proctored course final exam. Additional information on the proctoring process can be found here. For inactive licensees, the 30-hour post license course must be completed within one (1) year.
Enroll in Colibri Real Estate’ Alabama 30-hour post-license course today!