Tennessee Real Estate License Requirements
Whether you’re exploring a new career or preparing for another year of market success, get the education you need from a reliable, established real estate school. With Colibri Real Estate, expect an education partner for life — and nothing less. We’re here to guide you, no matter what part of the path you’re on. Learn more about Tennessee’s real estate license requirements.

How To Get Your Real Estate Broker License In Tennessee
Tennessee State Required Pre-licensing Hours: 120 hours
Colibri Real Estate Tennessee Course Hours Offered: 120 hours
Step 1. Meet Tennessee real estate license requirements as outlined by the Tennessee Real Estate Commission:
- Be at least 18 years old
- Have a high school diploma or GED
Step 2. Complete an approved 120 hours of Tennessee real estate pre-license education.
Step 3. Successfully pass the real estate licensing examination by earning a score of 70% or higher.
Step 4. Submit electronic fingerprint report.
Step 5. Obtain sponsorship from a Tennessee real estate broker.
Step 6. Obtain proof of Errors and Omissions Insurance.
Step 7. Apply for your Tennessee Affiliate Broker license.
How long does it take to get a Tennessee real estate license?
It varies per person on how long it takes to get a Tennessee real estate license depending on the pace in which you complete the 90 hours of pre-licensing coursework and pass your licensing examination, the time it takes you to complete the application process and find a sponsoring broker, and application and background check processing times.
What kind of information will I learn to help me get a real estate license in Tennessee?
All Colibri Real Estate Courses are approved by the Tennessee Real Estate Commission. Once completed, you are eligible to sit for the Tennessee Real Estate License Exam.
Per Colibri Real Estate policy, individual courses for affiliate brokers must be completed within six (6) months of the start date. The start date for distance education courses is the date the course material is first accessed and the end date is when all required documentation is submitted to the provider. Sixty (60) of those hours must cover the topic of real estate principles/fundamentals and must be completed in order to qualify to take the licensing exam with PSI. The remaining 30-hour “Course for New Affiliates” must be completed before a license will be issued.
How do I apply for and take the Tennessee Affiliate Broker licensing examination?
After your school has submitted your course completion information to PSI, log onto PSI’s website (www.psiexams.com) or call 1-855-340-3710 to pay for and schedule your examination. The affiliate broker examination is divided into two sections: national and state and must be passed with a score of 70% or higher. Upon passing ALL portions of the examination, you must apply for your license at https://core.tn.gov within six (6) months of passing the examinations.
Candidates who pass one section but fail the other can retake only the section they failed. The passing score for one section of an examination is valid for two (2) retakes of the failed section or six (6) months, whichever comes first. Affiliate broker examination candidates who fail the first attempt at the examination may retake it as soon as they want (however you cannot schedule until the day after you took the examination). After the second attempt, an examination candidate must wait thirty (30) days between any subsequent failed exams to retake the examination.
How do I submit my fingerprints for the background check?
TREC requires fingerprints for all initial applications. It isn’t a requirement for testing, but it is a requirement for applicants pursuing an initial real estate license. All applicants are requested to utilize electronic fingerprint submission and attach a copy of the receipt for electronic fingerprint submission to the affiliate broker application. Applicants will need to make an appointment with IndentoGO® who will transmit the applicant’s fingerprints to the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation (TBI) and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) for processing.
Click here for instructions and more information on fingerprinting.
How do I submit my Tennessee Affiliate Broker application?
Along with proof of successful completion of the pre-licensing education, a passing score on the licensing examination, receipt for electronic fingerprint submission, completed Eligibility Verification, and proof of E&O insurance, the applicant who wishes to have an active license will be required to affiliate with a licensed Tennessee firm and have the principal broker sign the application. Learn more about finding a sponsoring broker. Upon passing ALL portions of the examination, you must apply for your license at https://core.tn.gov within six (6) months of passing the examinations.
Does Tennessee offer reciprocity?
A non-resident active licensee wishing to apply for a Tennessee license must do the following:
- Send TREC ([email protected]) this completed worksheet
- Send TREC ([email protected]) a “Certified License History” from all the states where you hold or have held a real estate license. Upon review of your request, TREC will notify you of your examination requirement(s).
- Provide proof of passing a written examination administered by a national testing company (PSI, ACT, ETS, NAI, Promissor, AMP , all ARELLO certified examinations) if you are requesting a waiver of the general (national, uniform) section of the Tennessee examination. (The examination must be for the same level of licensure for which you are currently applying.)
- Complete a non-resident firm application if applicable
Please Note: The firm and principal broker where you are affiliated must also hold an active Tennessee real estate license.
If you hold or have held a real estate license in another state and are now resident of Tennessee, you may still qualify under Tennessee statute to have your real estate education, the national portion of the exam and/or your experience (if applying for a broker license) substitute for Tennessee’s education, national portion of the examination and/or experience.
- Send TREC ([email protected]) this completed worksheet
- Send TREC ([email protected]) a “Certified License History” from all the states where you hold or have held a real estate license. Upon review of your request, TREC will notify you of your examination requirement(s).
- Enclosing the following documents with “Worksheet A” may expedite the evaluation of your request:
- Certificates showing completion of pre-license education
- Certificates showing completion of continuing education
- Electronic Fingerprinting
Upon review of your request, TREC will notify you of your examination requirements to obtain a Tennessee real estate license.
Please Note: The firm and principal broker where you are affiliated must also hold an active Tennessee real estate license.
Regulatory Notes:
Obtaining Certificate of Course Completion: Upon completion of the course, Colibri Real Estate will provide you an electronic certificate of completion in your account dashboard. You will need to submit your certificate of completion with your license application. Course completion dates are recorded using Central Standard Time, therefore that will be the time reflected on your certificate. Proof that the 120-hour Tennessee Prelicense Course has been completed will be forwarded by the school to PSI, the exam administrator.
Tennessee Real Estate Commission
Website: https://www.tn.gov/commerce/regboards/trec.html
Phone: 615-741-2273
Fax: 615-741-0313
Address: 500 James Robertson Pkwy, Nashville, TN 37243
Tennessee License Lookup Website
Tennessee Affilate Broker License Requirements
Online Info
1. Comply with the General Tennessee Real Estate License Requirements:
- Be at least 18 years old
- Have earned a high school diploma or GED and be able to provide proof there of
2. Complete 90 hours in courses
- Complete a 60-Hour Pre-license Principles Course in order to take the Tennessee state exam
- Complete a 30-hour Pre-license Course for New Affiliates to apply for your license. This course can be completed prior to taking the licensing exam.
3. Pass Tennessee real estate license exam
- Pass state the exam by scoring at least a 70%
- Within six months of passing the state exam, pay $110 and send proof of errors and omissions (E&O) insurance
- Be sure to visit the Tennessee Real Estate Commission’s website for the most up-to-date information
If you are a time-share salesperson, you must complete a 30-hour training program covering the fundamentals of the Tennessee Time-Share Act, compiled in title 66, chapter 32, part 1, and related topics. Neither post-license nor continuing education classes are required.
Online Limitations
Helpful licensing information is also posted on TREC’s website: https://www.tn.gov/commerce/regboards/trec/licensee-applicant-resources.html
Governing Agency
Tennessee Broker Post Licensing License Requirements
Online Info
Online Limitations
Governing Agency
Tennessee All Continuing Education License Requirements
Online Info
NOTE: Pre-license courses may not be used for continuing education.
NOTE: The Commission could increase the number of hours in the required Core Course.
No Final Exam Passing Requirement
Online Limitations
Effective 6/2022 – Rosters are submitted for licensed students to CE Broker (Tennessee’s official CE tracking system) each business day.
Governing Agency
Tennessee All Continuing Education License Requirements
Online Info
NOTE: Pre-license courses may not be used for continuing education.
NOTE: The Commission could increase the number of hours in the required Core Course.
No Final Exam Passing Requirement
Online Limitations
Effective 6/2022 – Rosters are submitted for licensed students to CE Broker (Tennessee’s official CE tracking system) each business day.
Governing Agency
Good to Know
The information provided is a summary of the minimum requirements set forth by the Tennessee Real Estate Commission. For a more detailed requirements breakdown, please see the board’s site.
If you hold Real Estate licenses in multiple states, please make sure to check each state’s requirements.
Note: This license renewal information is provided as a convenience only and is subject to change at any time. It’s ultimately the responsibility of the licensee to be sure that he or she is meeting all requirements for each license and corresponding renewal period.