Ohio Real Estate License Requirements
Do you want to become a real estate agent and get your Ohio Real Estate License? Colibri Real Estate has taught thousands of aspiring real estate agents in Ohio, and we make it easy for you to get up to speed on the Ohio real estate license requirements.

How To Get Your Real Estate Salesperson License In Ohio
Ohio State Required Pre-licensing Hours: 120 hours
Colibri Real Estate Ohio Course Hours Offered: 120 hours
Step 1. Meet Ohio real estate license requirements as outlined by the Ohio Division of Real Estate website:
- Be at least eighteen (18) years of age.
- Must not have been convicted of a felony or a crime of moral turpitude. Must not have violated any civil rights laws regarding real estate within the past two years as determined by a court of law or violated any rules of the Ohio Division of Real Estate. In some circumstances, it is possible to have a conviction or violation disregarded, which would allow you to sit for the exam. The division may only make a determination with respect to a conviction or violation if you file an application. For additional information on this process, contact the division directly or review the additional information found on the division’s website.
Step 2. Complete an approved 120 hours of Ohio real estate pre-licensing education.
Step 3. Select a sponsoring broker.
Step 4. Submit your Salesperson Examination Application and pay the application fee. Please note: The Ohio Division of Real Estate now requires real estate applicants to have their fingerprints processed for background checks within 10 days of filing their application. If you have completed a background check prior to submitting your application, please call the ODRE at (614) 466-4100 to review your status.
Step 5. Schedule your state license exam and pass with a 70% or higher.
How long does it take to get a Ohio real estate license?
It varies depending on: the pace at which you complete your pre-licensing education; pass your licensing examination; the time it takes you to complete the application process; and application processing times. On average, it takes between 2 to 3 months to get an Ohio real estate license.
What kind of information will I learn to help me get a real estate license in Ohio?
All Colibri Real Estate courses are approved by the Ohio Division of Real Estate. Once completed, you are eligible to sit for the Ohio Real Estate License Exam.
Per Colibri Real Estate policy, the 120-hour pre-licensing coursework and school exam for salespersons must be completed within six (6) months of enrollment/purchase date. Student may audit any specific session(s) one additional time within the six-month period. There are 18 required sessions that make up the 120 hours. Each session is independent of one another and may be taken in any order. Livestream and classroom students who need to miss a class or customize their class schedule can do so at any time in their online student account. Required education includes:
- Real Estate Principles and Practices (40 hours)
- Ohio Real Estate Law (40 hours)
- Real Estate Appraisal (20 hours)
- Real Estate Finance (20 hours)
How do I take the Ohio Salesperson licensing examination?
After your application has been processed, you will receive a Candidate Information Bulletin with instructions for scheduling your test. State real estate exams are scheduled by calling PSI Exams at 1-855-834-8749 or by visiting their website at psiexams.com. To pass, the state requires that you achieve a score of 70% or higher.
At Colibri Real Estate, we offer CompuCram, an industry-leading exam prep program that readies you for the Ohio real estate licensing exam. Exam prep may be purchased separately or as part of your package. With CompuCram exam prep, enter exam day with confidence and pass on the first try.
To apply for an Ohio real estate license, you must have the following documents:
- Original salesperson application and fee, including sponsoring broker signature.
- Pre-Licensure Education Certificate (120 hours)
- Criminal records check of both state and FBI records
- Fingerprints submission
- Proof of Legal Presence (front and back)
- Broker hire form (if applicable)
Any person who has not been licensed as a real estate salesperson within a four-year period immediately preceding their current application for the salesperson’s exam must have completed the required education within a 10-year period immediately preceding the current salesperson application.
How do I submit my Ohio Salesperson application?
Once the division has received your information, they will process your application and send your information to the testing vendor. Mail the completed Salesperson Examination Application with required documents and $81 nonrefundable check or money order, made payable to the Ohio Division of Real Estate, to the following address:
Ohio Division of Commerce
Division of Real Estate and Professional Licensing
77 South High Street, 20th floor
Columbus, OH 43215
Please Note: The Ohio Division of Real Estate now requires real estate applicants to have their fingerprints processed for background checks within 10 days of filing their application. If you have completed a background check prior to submitting your application, please call the ODRE at 614-466-4100 to review your status.
Does Ohio offer reciprocity?
Ohio may recognize out-of-state licenses. To view specific out-of-state license recognition requirements and forms, please reference this PDF, provided by the Ohio Division of Real Estate.
Individuals seeking licensure through out-of-state license recognition must:
- Be a resident of a state that has a reciprocal agreement with Ohio.
- Have held an active salesperson’s license in that state for at least one year.
- Take an Ohio Real Estate Law Course at an institution of higher education.
- Be affiliated with an Ohio licensed broker.
- Currently be licensed in another state for at least one year.
- Have completed approved real estate education in the other state.
- Have passed a real estate license examination in another state.
- Not have had a license or certificate revoked or voluntarily surrendered in any other state or country.
- Not have had any discipline imposed by another regulating entity and have no pending complaint, allegation, or investigation.
- Submit the Salesperson Reciprocity Examination Application with the $81 fee
- Provide a Consent to Service of Process form (learn more).
- Provide a letter of good standing from the state of licensure.
Regulatory Notes:
Ohio requires a minimum amount of seat time in the course content. Our online and livestream course platforms monitor this requirement for each student. Livestream and classroom students who cannot make a class on time or need to miss a class may reschedule for a later date and time in the online student account.
Students cannot receive credit for more than 10 hours (two classes) a day. For students completing the online course, you may only access one session at a time. Once that session is complete, you may move on to the next. Each class is independent of one another and may be taken in any order.
Obtaining Certificate of Course Completion: Once you complete your 120 hours, Colibri Real Estate will email you an electronic certificate of completion. Your certificate may also be accessed any time in your online student account. You will need to present your certificate at the time of your state exam and when you apply for your license with the Ohio Division of Real Estate. Course completion dates are recorded using Eastern Standard Time; therefore, that will be the time reflected on your certificate.
Ohio Division of Real Estate & Professional Licensing
Address: 77 South High Street, 20th Floor. Columbus, OH 43215-6133
Website: https://com.ohio.gov/divisions-and-programs/real-estate-and-professional-licensing
Ohio Salesperson Continuing Education License Requirements
Online Info
Nine hours must be dedicated to the following topics:
3 hours in Core Law
3 hours in Ethics
3 hours in Civil Rights
All brokers and management level licensees will also be required to complete a 3-hour Broker Responsibility course for a total of 12 required core courses.
Each active licensee who is 70 years of age or older on their renewal birthday shall submit proof they have completed the 3 required courses (total of 9 hours) in Civil Rights, Core Law and Ohio Cannons of Ethics. Additionally, all active brokers and management level licensees must submit the 3-hr Broker Responsibility course.
An inactive salesperson who is 70 hears or older on their renewal birthday does not need to complete continuing education until reactivation.
It is the responsibility of the licensee to send copies of the certificates that are issued to them with the Continuing Education Compliance Form to the Division postmarked no later than their birthday the year of their renewal.
No Final Exam Passing Requirement
Online Limitations
Pre-license and post-license education may not be used for continuing education.
Governing Agency
Ohio Broker Continuing Education License Requirements
Online Info
Twelve hours must be dedicated to the following topics:
3 hours in Core Law
3 hours in Ethics
3 hours in Civil Rights
3 hours in Broker Responsibility
Each active licensee who is 70 years of age or older on their renewal birthday shall submit proof they have completed the 3 required courses (total of 9 hours) in Civil Rights, Core Law and Ohio Cannons of Ethics. Additionally, all active brokers and management level licensees must submit the 3-hr Broker Responsibility course.
An inactive broker who is 70 hears or older on their renewal birthday must only complete the 3-hour Broker Responsibility course and submit proof of completion at the time of renewal.
It is the responsibility of the licensee to send copies of the certificates that are issued to them with the Continuing Education Compliance Form to the Division postmarked no later than their birthday the year of their renewal.
No Final Exam Passing Requirement
Online Limitations
Pre-license and post-license education may not be used for continuing education.
Governing Agency
Good to Know
The information provided is a summary of the minimum requirements set forth by the Ohio Real Estate Commission. For a more detailed requirements breakdown, please see the board’s site.
If you hold Real Estate licenses in multiple states, please make sure to check each state’s requirements.
Note: This license renewal information is provided as a convenience only and is subject to change at any time. It’s ultimately the responsibility of the licensee to be sure that he or she is meeting all requirements for each license and corresponding renewal period.