Maryland Real Estate CE Courses Online (MD License Renewal)

Prepare for easy license renewal with convenient courses developed by industry experts. With comprehensive education for Maryland real estate license renewal, you can meet full state requirements—all online in one place.

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Individual Maryland Real Estate CE Courses

Found 17 items
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D/L Maryland A – Legislative


This three-hour course covers recently enacted legislation regarding real estate brokerages, housing and taxes, and property management. The topics covered include an overview of the legislative process of the U.S. and the state of Maryland and recently passed senate bills and house bills pertaining to real estate.

Course Highlights

Gain knowledge about the basics of the legislative process of the U.S. and the state of Maryland.
Learn about newly passed legislation and its impact on brokerages, licensees, landlords and tenants, and consumers of real estate.

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15 Ratings

D/L Maryland C – Fair Housing


Fair and equitable treatment in housing and real estate transactions is a right by law. In this course, real estate licensees will learn about federal and Maryland-specific fair housing laws and their responsibility to treat all persons fairly and equally under the laws. This course is approved for 1.5 hours of continuing education.

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19 Ratings

D/L Maryland Ethics


The Maryland D: Ethics in Real Estate Transactions course is approved for three hours of continuing education. Chapter 1 focuses on the Maryland Real Estate Commission Code of Ethics and Chapter 2 covers a variety of mortgage fraud schemes, including predatory lending and illegal property flipping.


  • Learn the provisions of the Maryland Real Estate Commission Code of Ethics.
  • Gain an understanding of mortgage fraud and predatory lending schemes so you can recognize them and protect your clients.
  • Review why and how illegal property schemes work and the impact of inflated appraisals on the market.
  • Identify how federal and state laws work to prevent mortgage fraud and predatory lending, including disclosure requirements set forth in TILA and RESPA and protective provisions set forth in Maryland Real Property law and the Maryland Real Estate Brokers Act.
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15 Ratings

D/L Maryland H – Brokerage Relationships and Disclosure


How prepared do you feel to tackle every agency situation that comes your way? Understanding what agency is—and isn’t—is key to your success as a licensee. Even experienced licensees can get confused by the myriad duties and responsibilities they owe to clients and third parties in brokerage relationships. Understanding the Maryland law and regulations about brokerage relationships and the related disclosures helps licensees comply with their legal obligations and better serve the consumers with whom they work. Licensees who have a firm grasp on these topics are well-equipped to explain the options available to consumers using the appropriate MREC forms, including the Understanding Whom Real Estate Agents Represent and the Consent for Dual Agency forms. 


  • Review the fundamentals of agency relationships.
  • Recall the types of brokerage relationships permitted in Maryland.
  • Identify the requirements for brokerage agreements in Maryland.
  • Recognize how a brokerage relationship begins and the different ways it can be terminated.
  • Identify the duties agents owe their clients and non-clients.
  • Understand how dual agency with intra-company agents is handled.
  • Gain confidence in handling tricky confidentiality situations.
  • Identify how and when to use the Understanding Whom Real Estate 
  • Agents Represent form, the Consent for Dual Agency form, and the Open House Disclosure sign.
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20 Ratings

D/L Maryland I – Supervision


This course is approved by the Maryland Real Estate Commission for three hours of continuing education on the topic of supervision required for team leads, branch office managers, and brokers. The course covers supervision requirements set forth in the Maryland Real Estate Brokers Act and Commission Regulations; and, incorporates information received during meetings with brokers and other key industry leaders related to current supervision issues.

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6 Ratings

D/L Maryland L – Principles of Real Estate Practice


Areas of real estate practice where licensees continue to experience issues require diligence and reminding of the law. This is especially true for escrow fund handling, transactions involving properties within a community ownership community, property management and landlord-tenant law, and advertising. This course provides licensees with a solid understanding of how to remain in compliance in each of these areas.

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3 Ratings

D/L Maryland M – Property Management and Landlord Tenant Law


Many real estate licensees are choosing to make property management their specialty because there is a demand for properly trained and licensed professionals. The purpose of this course is to ensure licensees gain an understanding of a property manager’s role in fulfilling their duties to property owners and tenants in compliance with Maryland Landlord Tenant Law. This course is approved for 3 hours of CE.


  • Gain a better understanding of the relationship between a property owner and property manager, including the purpose and key component of a property management agreement.
  • Review strategies for setting rent, advertising, and qualifying prospective tenants that comply with federal and state fair housing laws.
  • Learn how to comply with the Maryland Landlord Tenant Law when managing residential properties with a specific focus on requirements for lease agreements, security deposit collection and return, lease termination, and tenant eviction.
  • Discover why and how to create a property management proposal, including how to calculate net operating income, cash flow, and cash-on-cash return.
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8 Ratings

D/L Maryland N – Professionalism


This course explores how professionalism and ethics are closely intertwined. You’ll learn about the Maryland Real Estate Code of Ethics and the National Association of REALTORS® Code of Ethics. You’ll also learn the importance of ethical marketing, transparency, and prioritizing your clients’ best interests. Additionally, you’ll gain knowledge on managing conflicts of interest, such as dual agency and self-dealing. By following these guidelines, you’ll build trust, foster long-term client relationships, and uphold the integrity of the real estate profession.

Course Highlights

  • Learn about the Maryland Real Estate Code of Ethics and the National Association of REALTORS® Code of Ethics
  • Learn the importance of placing ethics at the forefront of real estate activities
  • Gain knowledge on managing conflicts of interest 
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12 Ratings

D/L Maryland O – Real Estate Financing


This course covers key concepts related to real estate financing such as different types of loans, loans clauses, and financing instruments. Documents covered include promissory notes, mortgages, deeds of trust, and land contracts. The discussion further focuses on important financing terms and theories, roles and responsibilities of borrowers and lenders, and costs associated with obtaining a mortgage.

Course Highlights

•    Gain knowledge about real estate financing concepts, loans, and instruments.
•    Learn about documents and costs associated with real estate transactions.

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7 Ratings

CBAE: Certified Buyer Agent Expert

04/08/2025 12:00PM
7:00PM EDT
Natasha Ewing Johnson
Why this course is for you:
With this designation, you’ll have the foundation to take control of your career, stand out in the market, and become a preferred choice for buyers.

In this course, you’ll learn how to:
  • Win more buyers with an unbeatable value proposition.
  • Excel in the new era of buyer representation with strategies you can immediately incorporate into your presentation and process.
  • Clearly differentiate your value with unique marketing materials.
  • Capture your buyer’s confidence through effective trust building
  • Build a firm foundation for your compensations discussion with your Unbeatable Value Proposition
You will receive:
  • 6 hours of professional training with RENI Certified Expert Instructors.
  • 70-page student workbook.
  • A proven system to help create your Unbeatable Value Proposition.
  • 15 unique forms, summaries, and worksheets to separate you from your competition.
  • The Certified Buyer Agent Expert (CBAE) designation.

Course Not for CE Credit

CBAE: Certified Buyer Agent Expert

04/24/2025 3:00PM
10:00PM EDT
Bill Christen
Why this course is for you:
With this designation, you’ll have the foundation to take control of your career, stand out in the market, and become a preferred choice for buyers.

In this course, you’ll learn how to:
  • Win more buyers with an unbeatable value proposition.
  • Excel in the new era of buyer representation with strategies you can immediately incorporate into your presentation and process.
  • Clearly differentiate your value with unique marketing materials.
  • Capture your buyer’s confidence through effective trust building
  • Build a firm foundation for your compensations discussion with your Unbeatable Value Proposition
You will receive:
  • 6 hours of professional training with RENI Certified Expert Instructors.
  • 70-page student workbook.
  • A proven system to help create your Unbeatable Value Proposition.
  • 15 unique forms, summaries, and worksheets to separate you from your competition.
  • The Certified Buyer Agent Expert (CBAE) designation.

Course Not for CE Credit

CBAE: Certified Buyer Agent Expert

05/13/2025 12:00PM
7:00PM EDT
Debra Betolatti
Why this course is for you:
With this designation, you’ll have the foundation to take control of your career, stand out in the market, and become a preferred choice for buyers.

In this course, you’ll learn how to:
  • Win more buyers with an unbeatable value proposition.
  • Excel in the new era of buyer representation with strategies you can immediately incorporate into your presentation and process.
  • Clearly differentiate your value with unique marketing materials.
  • Capture your buyer’s confidence through effective trust building
  • Build a firm foundation for your compensations discussion with your Unbeatable Value Proposition
You will receive:
  • 6 hours of professional training with RENI Certified Expert Instructors.
  • 70-page student workbook.
  • A proven system to help create your Unbeatable Value Proposition.
  • 15 unique forms, summaries, and worksheets to separate you from your competition.
  • The Certified Buyer Agent Expert (CBAE) designation.

Course Not for CE Credit

CBAE: Certified Buyer Agent Expert

05/29/2025 3:00PM
10:00PM EDT
Debra Betolatti
Why this course is for you:
With this designation, you’ll have the foundation to take control of your career, stand out in the market, and become a preferred choice for buyers.

In this course, you’ll learn how to:
  • Win more buyers with an unbeatable value proposition.
  • Excel in the new era of buyer representation with strategies you can immediately incorporate into your presentation and process.
  • Clearly differentiate your value with unique marketing materials.
  • Capture your buyer’s confidence through effective trust building
  • Build a firm foundation for your compensations discussion with your Unbeatable Value Proposition
You will receive:
  • 6 hours of professional training with RENI Certified Expert Instructors.
  • 70-page student workbook.
  • A proven system to help create your Unbeatable Value Proposition.
  • 15 unique forms, summaries, and worksheets to separate you from your competition.
  • The Certified Buyer Agent Expert (CBAE) designation.

Course Not for CE Credit

CBAE: Certified Buyer Agent Expert

06/10/2025 12:00PM
7:00PM EDT
Season Bryant
Why this course is for you:
With this designation, you’ll have the foundation to take control of your career, stand out in the market, and become a preferred choice for buyers.

In this course, you’ll learn how to:
  • Win more buyers with an unbeatable value proposition.
  • Excel in the new era of buyer representation with strategies you can immediately incorporate into your presentation and process.
  • Clearly differentiate your value with unique marketing materials.
  • Capture your buyer’s confidence through effective trust building
  • Build a firm foundation for your compensations discussion with your Unbeatable Value Proposition
You will receive:
  • 6 hours of professional training with RENI Certified Expert Instructors.
  • 70-page student workbook.
  • A proven system to help create your Unbeatable Value Proposition.
  • 15 unique forms, summaries, and worksheets to separate you from your competition.
  • The Certified Buyer Agent Expert (CBAE) designation.

Course Not for CE Credit

CBAE: Certified Buyer Agent Expert

06/26/2025 3:00PM
10:00PM EDT
Season Bryant
Why this course is for you:
With this designation, you’ll have the foundation to take control of your career, stand out in the market, and become a preferred choice for buyers.

In this course, you’ll learn how to:
  • Win more buyers with an unbeatable value proposition.
  • Excel in the new era of buyer representation with strategies you can immediately incorporate into your presentation and process.
  • Clearly differentiate your value with unique marketing materials.
  • Capture your buyer’s confidence through effective trust building
  • Build a firm foundation for your compensations discussion with your Unbeatable Value Proposition
You will receive:
  • 6 hours of professional training with RENI Certified Expert Instructors.
  • 70-page student workbook.
  • A proven system to help create your Unbeatable Value Proposition.
  • 15 unique forms, summaries, and worksheets to separate you from your competition.
  • The Certified Buyer Agent Expert (CBAE) designation.

Course Not for CE Credit

CBAE: Certified Buyer Agent Expert

07/15/2025 12:00PM
7:00PM EDT
Season Bryant
Why this course is for you:
With this designation, you’ll have the foundation to take control of your career, stand out in the market, and become a preferred choice for buyers.

In this course, you’ll learn how to:
  • Win more buyers with an unbeatable value proposition.
  • Excel in the new era of buyer representation with strategies you can immediately incorporate into your presentation and process.
  • Clearly differentiate your value with unique marketing materials.
  • Capture your buyer’s confidence through effective trust building
  • Build a firm foundation for your compensations discussion with your Unbeatable Value Proposition
You will receive:
  • 6 hours of professional training with RENI Certified Expert Instructors.
  • 70-page student workbook.
  • A proven system to help create your Unbeatable Value Proposition.
  • 15 unique forms, summaries, and worksheets to separate you from your competition.
  • The Certified Buyer Agent Expert (CBAE) designation.

Course Not for CE Credit

CBAE: Certified Buyer Agent Expert

07/24/2025 12:00PM
7:00PM EDT
Natasha Ewing Johnson
Why this course is for you:
With this designation, you’ll have the foundation to take control of your career, stand out in the market, and become a preferred choice for buyers.

In this course, you’ll learn how to:
  • Win more buyers with an unbeatable value proposition.
  • Excel in the new era of buyer representation with strategies you can immediately incorporate into your presentation and process.
  • Clearly differentiate your value with unique marketing materials.
  • Capture your buyer’s confidence through effective trust building
  • Build a firm foundation for your compensations discussion with your Unbeatable Value Proposition
You will receive:
  • 6 hours of professional training with RENI Certified Expert Instructors.
  • 70-page student workbook.
  • A proven system to help create your Unbeatable Value Proposition.
  • 15 unique forms, summaries, and worksheets to separate you from your competition.
  • The Certified Buyer Agent Expert (CBAE) designation.

Course Not for CE Credit

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How to renew a Real Estate License in Maryland 

Real estate agents need to renew their licenses at regular intervals as a requirement by the Maryland Real Estate Commission. The process of renewing your real estate license in Maryland is fairly simple and includes the following steps:

The first step towards your Maryland real estate license is completing the required state-approved Maryland Continuing Education courses.

Once you have completed your continuing education course and course exam, you need to go to the Maryland Real Estate Commission website and update your course completion numbers. 

Lastly, you need to pay the renewal fees to complete the renewal process.


Why is real estate continuing education needed in Maryland?

Continuing Education or CE courses are required for retaining and renewing your real estate license. Colibri offers a range of accredited real estate CE courses and classes for your real estate license renewal in Maryland.

How many hours of continuing education are required for Maryland real estate license renewal?

Below are the credit hour requirements to renew your real estate license in Maryland:
Salesperson: 15 hours

How do I renew my real estate license in Maryland?

Your Maryland Real Estate license must be renewed online through the Maryland Real Estate Commission after completing your Maryland state-approved CE courses.

How much does it cost to renew your real estate license in Maryland?

Cost for Maryland Salesperson license renewal:
Course Fee: $49
License Renewal Fee: $78

How often do you have to renew your real estate license in Maryland?

Here’s how often you need to renew your real estate license in Maryland:
Salesperson: Every 24 months

Learn more about continuing education courses with Colibri Real Estate.

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