Arizona Real Estate License Requirements
Do you want to become a real estate agent and get your Arizona Real Estate License? Colibri Real Estate has taught thousands of aspiring real estate agents in Arizona, and we make it easy for you to get up to speed on the Arizona real estate license requirements.

How To Get Your Real Estate Salesperson License In Arizona
Arizona state-required pre-licensing course: 90 hours + 6 hours of Introduction to Contract WritingColibri Real Estate Alabama Course Hours Offered: 96 hours
- Be at least eighteen (18) years of age when applying for a license.
- The department cannot issue a license to a person convicted of a felony who is incarcerated, paroled or under community supervision, or on probation. The department may not issue a license to a person who has been convicted of a felony or convicted of a misdemeanor offense, such as (but not limited to) theft, forgery, extortion, conspiracy to defraud, violence against another person, or crimes of moral turpitude.
How long does it take to get an Arizona real estate license?
On average, it takes between one (1) and three (3) months to become a real estate agent and get an Arizona real estate license. It depends on: the pace in which you complete the 90-hour pre-licensing and 6-hour Contract Writing courses; the time it takes you to pass your school and state exams; and how long the Arizona Department of Public Safety takes to process your fingerprint clearance card.
What kind of information will I learn to help me get a real estate license in Arizona?
All Colibri Real Estate courses are approved by the Arizona Department of Real Estate. Once completed, you are eligible to sit for the Arizona real estate license exam.
Per Colibri Real Estate policy, the 90-hour pre-license coursework and school exam for salespersons must be completed within six (6) months of enrollment/purchase date. Student may audit any specific session(s) one additional time within the six-month period. There are 18 required sessions (19 online) and an orientation that make up the 90 hours. Each session is independent of one another and may be taken in any order. Livestream and classroom students who need to miss a class or customize their class schedule can do so at any time in their online student account.
Required sessions include:
- Property Rights
- Estates & Tenancies
- Property Rights
- Estates & Tenancies
- Title Transfer
- Liens & Encumbrances
- Foreclosures
- Investment & Taxation
- Residential Financing
- Math & Equal Opportunity
- Property Management
- Law of Real Estate
- Agency and Public Protection
- Real Estate Contracts
- Listing & Purchase Contracts
- Real Estate Appraisal
- Legal Land Description
- Escrow & Closing
- Broker Practices & Legal Procedures
- Disclosures-Warranties, Construction & Development
How do I take the Arizona Salesperson licensing examination?
The salesperson examinations must be taken with Pearson VUE. The state requires that you achieve a score of 75% or higher to pass.
Salesperson License applications must occur within one year from the date of passing the state examination, or the state exam must be re-taken and passing score reports presented. Submitting an application by 5 p.m. on the last business day of the one-year period will require a retake and passing of the examination.
At Colibri Real Estate, we will help you prepare for the Arizona real estate license exam with the best online exam prep program in the industry, powered by CompuCram. With this program, learn at your own pace, track your progress, and enjoy exam success.
How do I submit my fingerprints for the background check?
To learn more about required fingerprinting and how to obtain a fingerprint clearance card, view this PDF, provided by the Arizona Department of Real Estate.
How do I submit my Arizona Salesperson application?
Once you pass the state examination, you will be sent a Salesperson License Application and instructions by Pearson VUE, then the application and required supporting documentation will be submitted to the Arizona Department of Real Estate through their online message center for review.
To apply for an Arizona real estate license, you must have the following documents:
- Original Salesperson Application & Fee
- Original Arizona Exam Score Report(s) from Pearson VUE
- Pre-Licensure Education Certificate (90-hour) with the authorized signature, unless seeking out-of-state license recognition.
- Proof of Legal Presence (front and back)
- Disciplinary Actions Disclosure Form (LI-214/244)
- Disclosure Document Checklist Form (LI-400) & Documentation *if applicable
- DPS issued AZ Fingerprint Clearance Card (front and back)
- 6-Hour Introduction to Contract Writing Course certificate
- Does Arizona offer reciprocity?
Does Arizona offer reciprocity?
Arizona may recognize out-of-state licenses. To view specific out-of-state license recognition requirements and forms, please visit the Arizona Department of Real Estate’s website at
Individuals seeking licensure through out-of-state license recognition must:
- Be an Arizona resident.
- Be currently licensed in another state for at least one year.
- Have passed a real estate license examination in another state.
- Have completed an approved real estate pre-licensing course and passed the licensing exam in the other state.
- Not have had a license or certificate revoked or voluntarily surrendered in any other state or country.
- Not have had any discipline imposed by another regulating entity and have no pending complaint, allegation, or investigation.
Regulatory Notes:
Arizona requires a minimum amount of seat time in the course content. Our online and livestream course platforms monitor this requirement for each student. For livestream and classroom students who cannot make a class on time or need to miss a class, they may reschedule for a later date and time in the online student account.
Students cannot receive credit for more than 10 hours (two classes) a day. For students completing the online course, you may only access one session at a time. Once that session is complete, you may move on to the next. Each class is independent of one another and may be taken in any order.
Obtaining certificate of course completion: Once you complete your 90 required hours and pass your school exam, Colibri Real Estate will email you an electronic certificate of completion. Your certificate may also be accessed any time in your online student account. You will need to present your certificate at the time of your state exam, as well as when you apply for your license with the Arizona Department of Real Estate. Course completion dates are recorded using Mountain Standard Time; therefore, that will be the time reflected on your certificate.
Arizona Department of Real Estate
Address: 100 N 15th Ave #201, Phoenix, AZ 85007
Message Center:
Phone: 602-771-7700
Arizona Salespersons And Associate Brokers License Requirements
Online Info
Continuing Education and Renewal Date: Every 2 years on the last day of the renewal month.
Hours Required by ADRE: 24 hours.
•18 mandatory hours
o3 hours of Agency Law
o3 hours of Contract Law
o3 hours of Real Estate Legal Issues
o3 hours of Fair Housing
o3 hours of Disclosure
o3 hours of Commissioner’s Standards
•6 elective hours in general real estate courses
- 1 hour in Deed Fraud
- 1 hour in Firewise
- 1 hour in Water Rights
- 3 general – elective hours
Course Hours Daily Limit: The Arizona Department of Real Estate allows a maximum of nine (9) continuing education hours to be taken on any one calendar day.
Seat Time: The Arizona Department of Real Estate requires a timing device for all distance education courses to ensure that courses cannot be completed in less time than the approved credit hours. Please note that your course will time out after several minutes of inactivity.
Course Completion Reporting: The Arizona Department of Real Estate requires all licensees to use ADRE’s online CE recording process to submit continuing education credit. Licensees are encouraged to submit CE credit upon completion of a course rather than waiting until the end of the license cycle.
Expiration Date of Course: Course expiration dates vary but are generally 6 months after enrollment date.
Certificate: With few exceptions, online course completion certificates are available for download at course conclusion and posted directly to your student dashboard.
Online Limitations
Governing Agency
Arizona Broker Pre-licensing License Requirements
Online Info
Online Limitations
Governing Agency
Arizona Designated Brokers And Delegated Associate Brokers Continuing Education License Requirements
Online Info
Continuing Education and Renewal Date: Every 2 years on the last day of the renewal month.
Hours Required by ADRE: 30 hours.
•24 mandatory hours
o3 hours of Agency Law
o3 hours of Contract Law
o3 hours of Real Estate Legal Issues
o3 hours of Fair Housing
o3 hours of Disclosure
o3 hours of Broker Management Clinic 1**
o3 hours of Broker Management Clinic 2**
o3 hours of Broker Management Clinic 3**
•6 elective hours in general real estate courses
- 1 hour in Deed Fraud
- 1 hour in Firewise
- 1 hour in Water Rights
- 3 general – elective hours
** Broker Management Clinic courses are required for active status designated brokers (which includes self-employed brokers) or delegated associate brokers with written authorization to act on behalf of the designated broker by reviewing and initialing contracts and similar instruments pursuant to A.R.S. § 32-2151.01(G).
Course Hours Daily Limit: The Arizona Department of Real Estate allows a maximum of nine (9) continuing education hours to be taken on any one calendar day.
Seat Time: The Arizona Department of Real Estate requires a timing device for all distance education courses to ensure that courses cannot be completed in less time than the approved credit hours. Please note that your course will time out after several minutes of inactivity.
Course Completion Reporting: The Arizona Department of Real Estate requires all licensees to use ADRE’s online CE recording process to submit continuing education credit. Licensees are encouraged to submit CE credit upon completion of a course rather than waiting until the end of the license cycle.
Expiration Date of Course: Course expiration dates vary but are generally 6 months after enrollment date.
Certificate: With few exceptions, online course completion certificates are available for download at course conclusion and posted directly to your student dashboard.
Online Limitations
Governing Agency
Good to Know
The information provided is a summary of the minimum requirements set forth by the Arizona Real Estate Commission. For a more detailed requirements breakdown, please see the board’s site.
If you hold Real Estate licenses in multiple states, please make sure to check each state’s requirements.
Note: This license renewal information is provided as a convenience only and is subject to change at any time. It’s ultimately the responsibility of the licensee to be sure that he or she is meeting all requirements for each license and corresponding renewal period.