Alaska Real Estate License Requirements
Do you want to become a real estate agent and get your Alaska Real Estate License? Colibri Real Estate has taught thousands of aspiring real estate agents in Alaska, and we make it easy for you to get up to speed on the Alaska real estate license requirements.

How To Get Your Real Estate Salesperson License In Alaska
Alaska State Required Pre-licensing Hours: 40 hours
Colibri Real Estate Alaska Course Hours Offered: 40 hours
Step 1. Meet Alaska real estate license requirements as outlined by the Alaska Real Estate Commission:
- Be at least nineteen (19) years of age.
- Not be under indictment for forgery, theft, extortion, conspiracy to defraud creditors, or fraud.
Step 2. Complete an approved 40 hours of Alaska real estate pre-license education.
Step 3. Successfully pass the Salesperson licensing examination by achieving a score of 75% or higher.
Step 4. Obtain sponsorship from a licensed Alaska real estate broker.
Step 5. Obtain Errors and Omissions Insurance.
Step 6. Apply for your Alaska Salesperson license.
Step 7. Complete 30 hours of approved post-licensing education.
How long does it take to get an Alaska real estate license?
It varies per person on how long it takes to get an Alaska real estate license depending on the pace in which you complete your pre-licensing education, pass your licensing examination, the time it takes you to find a sponsoring broker and complete the application process, and application processing times. Processing times currently can take multiple weeks once application is received.
What kind of information will I learn to help me get a real estate license in Alaska?
All Colibri Real Estate courses are approved by the Alaska Real Estate Commission. Once completed, you are eligible to sit for the Alaska Real Estate License Exam.
Per Colibri Real Estate policy, the 40-hour pre-license coursework for salespersons must be completed within six (6) months of the start date. The start date for distance education courses is the date the course material is first accessed and the end date is when all required documentation is submitted to the provider. Applicants must complete a required 40-hour Alaska Real Estate Pre-licensing course, which includes instruction in real estate law, types of interest and ownership in real estate, home ownership, legal descriptions, appraisal, finance, closings, and more. Per Alaska state, education certificates are valid only for 18 months from date of completion.
How do I take the Alaska Salesperson licensing examination?
The Alaska Salesperson state examination is offered through Pearson Vue. The Salesperson examination consists of two parts, a national portion and a state portion. Candidates must pass each portion of the examination with a score of at least 75%. Exam scores are valid ONLY for six (6) months from the date of exam. You must have a complete application filed with the Alaska Real Estate Commission prior to expiration of the exam scores.
How do I submit my Alaska Salesperson application?
Online Salesperson License by Examination applications are filed through your MyAlaska account. Filing via the MyAlaska account allows for email notifications about your application status. Applicants must apply for licensure within six (6) months after passing the state examination.
All licensees are required to obtain and submit proof of E & O Insurance, either through the Master Policy offered by RISC or through equivalent coverage. All licensees are required to submit verification that they have met the E & O requirement as well as proof that they are sponsored by a licensed Alaska broker. Learn more about finding a sponsoring broker here.
Does Alaska require post-licensing?
All new licensees are required to complete 30 hours of post-licensing education (PLE). This education must be completed within one (1) year after the date of initial salesperson licensure. This is in addition to the 20 hours of continuing education that you must complete to renew your license. After the required 30 hours of PLE is completed, an Affidavit of Post Licensing Education form MUST be submitted to the Real Estate Commission. Copies of all certificates of the completed education and appropriate fees must accompany the PLE Affidavit within 30 days after the 1-year period of initial licensure or the license will lapse.
NOTE: Colibri Real Estate does not currently offer this post-licensure education.
Does Alaska offer reciprocity?
Along with completed application and fees, new licensees applying for licensure by endorsement must:
- Provide a License History, including License Status, from jurisdiction where they hold or have ever held a Real Estate License. At least one jurisdiction must reflect licensure at the Salesperson level, and that license must be current and active on the date their Alaska application is considered “complete”. The License History information must be sent directly from another licensing authority to the Alaska Real Estate Commission.
- Submit the original exam score sheet showing proof of passing the “Alaska” portion of the Salesperson exam. Exam scores are valid ONLY for six months from the date of exam.
- Provide evidence of completing a 6-hour course on Alaska’s Real Estate Law completed within the 24 months immediately preceding the date of the application.
- Submit proof of Salesperson pre-licensing education equivalent to the 40 hours required
- Complete a written statement verifying they have worked as a Real Estate licensee, as their principal occupation, within the immediate six months preceding the date of application. The statement is included as Part VI of the application form.
- Have been employed by or affiliated with a broker within the immediate six months preceding the date of application.
- Provide proof/verification of E & O Insurance coverage
- Provide employing broker information
New licensees applying for licensure by endorsement who hold an active and valid real estate license in another state and have been licensed by that state for one (1) year or more are NOT required to complete post-licensing education.
Regulatory Notes:
Obtaining Certificate of Course Completion: Upon completion of the course, Colibri Real Estate will provide you an electronic certificate of completion in your account dashboard. Course completion dates are recorded using Central Standard Time, therefore that will be the time reflected on your certificate.
Alaska Real Estate Commission
Phone: (907) 269-8162
Fax: (907) 269-8156
Address: 550 W. 7th Avenue, Suite 1500 Anchorage, AK 99501
Alaska Salesperson Post License Requirements
Online Info
All new licensees are required to complete 30 hours of post-licensing education pursuant to 12AAC 64.064. This education is in addition to the 20 hours of continuing education that must be completed prior to license renewal.
Salesperson Required Post-Licensing Modules:
10 hrs. Contracts & Agreements
4 hrs. Property Management
6 hrs. License Law
6 hrs. Paperwork & Risk Management
2 hrs. Evaluation& Pricing
2 hrs. Financing & Closing
Licensees must submit the Affidavit of Post-Licensing Education and fee within 30 days after the 12 month period.
Colibri Real Estate recognizes these requirements but currently does not offer the post-license education.
Online Limitations
Governing Agency
Alaska Broker Post License Requirements
Online Info
All new licensees are required to complete 30 hours of post-licensing education pursuant to 12AAC 64.064. This education is in addition to the 20 hours of continuing education that must be completed prior to license renewal.
Associate Broker or Broker Required Post-Licensing Modules:
7 hrs. Recovery fund, trust account, and general accounts
8 hrs. Practical office management
8 hrs. Practical supervision
7 hrs. Risk management
Licensees must submit the Affidavit of Post-Licensing Education and fee within 30 days after the 12 month period.
Colibri Real Estate recognizes these requirements but currently does not offer the post-license education.
Online Limitations
Governing Agency
Good to Know
The information provided is a summary of the minimum requirements set forth by the Alaska Real Estate Commission. For a more detailed requirements breakdown, please see the board’s site.
If you hold Real Estate licenses in multiple states, please make sure to check each state’s requirements.
Note: This license renewal information is provided as a convenience only and is subject to change at any time. It’s ultimately the responsibility of the licensee to be sure that he or she is meeting all requirements for each license and corresponding renewal period.