Colibri Real Estate Promo Codes & Discounts

Psst. Here’s where you’ll find our current Colibri Real Estate discounts and promo code details.

Promo Code: BLOOM40

Start your real estate career and save 40% on pre-licensing courses, including livestream courses!

Enjoy flexible financing with Affirm:

– Split payments into manageable installments. 
– Enjoy transparent terms with no hidden fees. 
– Start your courses right away without upfront financial strain. 

Enroll in real estate pre-license courses now.

Where do I enter my promo code? 

Promo codes are auto-applied in your shopping cart. You can also enter your promo code during checkout in the designated field to apply your discount.

What are my payment options?

We offer multiple payment options, including credit cards and Affirm Financing. Learn more about Affirm financing.

What are the costs involved in becoming a real estate agent?

Generally, the total cost of becoming a real estate agent includes course fees, exam fees, and license application and processing fees. 

How do you get a real estate license in the U.S.?

Getting licensed involves completing state-required coursework, passing the licensing exam, and applying through your state’s real estate commission. Learn more on our Getting Started page.

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