Illinois Real Estate License Requirements
Whether you’re exploring a new career or preparing for another year of market success, get the education you need from a reliable, established real estate school. With Colibri Real Estate, expect an education partner for life — and nothing less. We’re here to guide you, no matter what part of the path you’re on. Learn more about Illinois’s real estate license requirements.

Illinois Broker License Requirements
Illinois State Required Pre-licensing Hours: 75 hours
Colibri Real Estate Illinois Course Hours Offered: 75 hours
1. General Illinois Broker License Requirements
- Be at least 18 years old
- Have a high school diploma or GED
2. Broker License Education Requirements in Illinois
Below are credit hours required for the Illinois broker license course to qualify for your broker license.
Course Type | Required Credit Hours |
Total Broker License Course Hours | 75 hours |
Required Broker License Course Hours | 75 hours |
Elective Broker License Course Hours | 0 hours |
3. Additional Broker License Requirements in Illinois
If you meet the general requirements and have completed your required course credit hours, you will need to complete the following steps to get your broker license:
- Pass the real estate licensing examination by earning a scaled score of 75% or higher.
- Submit the Illinois Broker license application.
- Complete 45 hours of broker post-license education
Regulatory Notes:
Obtaining Certificate of Course Completion: Real estate course completions are reported to PSI. Upon completion of the course, Colibri Real Estate will provide you an electronic certificate of completion in your account dashboard. You may need to submit your certificate of completion with your license request, please refer to your license application to determine if this is necessary. Course completion dates are recorded using Central Standard Time, therefore that will be the time reflected on your certificate.
Roster: Rosters are submitted electronically every business day. Your course completion is reported in 1-2 business days after passing the course final exam.
Roster Sent: Every 1 days
Illinois Department of Financial & Professional Regulation-Division of Real Estate
Phone: 217-782-3414 or 888-473-4858
Fax: 217-782-7645
Address: Springfield Office – 320 West Washington St, Springfield, IL 62786
Chicago Office – 100 West Randolph, 9th Floor, Chicago, IL 60601
Illinois License Lookup Website
Illinois Broker License First-Time Renewal Requirements
1. General Illinois Broker License First-Time Renewal Information
Item | Details |
Broker First-Time License Renewal Cycle | 2 Years |
Course Expiry Date | No later than the end of the sixth month following the initial broker licensure date. |
2. Real Estate Broker License First-Time Renewal Education Requirements in Illinois
Below are credit hours required for the Illinois post-license course to qualify for your Broker first-time license renewal
Course Type | Required Credit Hours |
Total Course Hours | 45 hours |
Mandatory CE Course Hours | 0 hours |
Elective CE Course Hours | 0 hours |
Post-licensure Courses | 45 hours |
Online Limitations
The 45 hours of Post License Education is made up of the following courses:
- Broker Post License Transactional Issues (15 Hours)
- Broker Post License Risk Management/Discipline (15 Hours)
- Includes the required 1 hour of Sexual Harassment Prevention Training
- Broker Post License Applied Broker Principles (15 Hours)
Governing Agency
Illinois Broker License Renewal Requirements
1. General Illinois Broker License Renewal Information
Item | Details |
Broker License Renewal Cycle | 2 years |
Broker License Renewal Date | April 30th of every even year |
Course Expiry Date | Course expiration dates vary but are generally 6 months after enrollment date. |
2. Real Estate Broker License Renewal Education Requirements in Illinois
Below are credit hours required for the Illinois broker CE course to qualify for your Broker license renewal
Course Type | Required Credit Hours |
Total Course Hours | 12 hours |
Mandatory Broker CE Course Hours | 4 hours |
Elective Broker CE Course Hours | 8 hours |
Certificate: With few exceptions, online course completion certificates are available for download at course conclusion and posted directly to your dashboard account.
Online Limitations
Governing Agency
Illinois Managing Broker License Requirements
1. General Illinois Managing Broker License Requirements
- Be at least 18 years old
- Have a high school diploma or GED
2. Managing Broker License Education Requirements in Illinois
Below are credit hours required for the Illinois Managing broker license course to qualify for your broker license.
Course Type | Required Credit Hours |
Total Broker License Course Hours | 45 hours |
Required Broker License Course Hours | 45 hours |
Elective Broker License Course Hours | — |
3. Managing Broker License Education Requirements in Illinois
If you meet the general requirements and have completed your required course credit hours, you will need to complete the following steps to get your broker license:
- Each Managing Broker applicant must complete 45 hours of pre-license education, including an interactive 15-hour course in Applied Management and Supervision, which must be taken in a classroom, by webinar, or through online distance education.
Online Limitations
-IL Managing Broker Prelicense Topics (30 hours)
-IL Managing Broker Pre Applied Management & Supervision (15 hours)
Governing Agency
Illinois Managing Broker License Renewal Requirements
1. General Illinois Managing Broker License Renewal Information
Item | Details |
Managing Broker License Renewal Cycle | 2 years |
Managing Broker License Renewal Date | April 30th odd years |
Course Expiry Date | Course expiration dates vary but are generally 6 months after enrollment date. |
2. Real Estate Managing Broker License Renewal Education Requirements in Illinois
Below are credit hours required for the Illinois Managing broker CE course to qualify for your Broker license renewal
Course Type | Required Credit Hours |
Total Course Hours | 24 hours |
Mandatory Broker CE Course Hours | 16 hours |
Elective Broker CE Course Hours | 8 hours |
Certificate: With few exceptions, online course completion certificates are available for download at course conclusion and posted directly to your dashboard account.
Online Limitations
Governing Agency
IL Leasing Agent CE Requirements
Online Info
Effective January 1, 2020, all licenses issued by DRE will be required to complete a one-hour course in sexual harassment prevention training. This 8-hr curriculum includes the one-hour sexual harassment prevention training.
Seat Time: The Illinois Real Estate Division requires a timing device for all distance education courses to ensure that courses cannot be completed in less time than the approved credit hours. Please note that your course will time out after 15 minutes of inactivity.
*A licensee is not required to complete CE requirements for the first renewal following the issuance of the initial leasing agent license.
Online Limitations
Governing Agency
Good to Know
The information provided is a summary of the minimum requirements set forth by the Illinois Department of Financial & Professional Regulation. For a more detailed requirements breakdown, please see the board’s site.
If you hold Real Estate licenses in multiple states, please make sure to check each state’s requirements.
Note: This license renewal information is provided as a convenience only and is subject to change at any time. It’s ultimately the responsibility of the licensee to be sure that he or she is meeting all requirements for each license and corresponding renewal period.