Getting High Payoffs from Time Spent at an Open House

As many agents learn after getting their real estate license, an open house can play a vital part in the process of selling a home. In a large number of cases, the eventual buyer was in attendance at the open house, and developed their initial impression of the property at that event. Therefore, it is critical that any open home you host is well prepared and thought out, and executed flawlessly to ensure those looking to buy a home are captivated and remember this home as one they want to live in. When it comes to planning the perfect open home, there are several things to keep in mind.

When you are the agent in charge hosting the open house, it is essential that you can find balance between being friendly and helpful without being overly pushy. You need to realize that potential home buyers want their own space to look around the home, and may feel uncomfortable if they are led or followed around. A viewer is more likely to develop a positive feeling from a home if they feel comfortable and relaxed from the minute they enter. It is important for potential buyers to feel that they can open cupboards, drawers, closets and really explore the house, and they may be reluctant to do so if they feel they are being watched.

However, it’s also important to note that some viewers will require more assistance than others. While some people may be happy to wander around the property at their own pace, others will be interested to hear about the history of the home, what the neighborhood is like, why the current owners are selling and more. When a potential client enters the home, you will need to determine whether they want to explore the property on their own or whether they require more guidance by simply asking and gauging their response.

Regardless of whether potential buyers want to hear from you or not, it is essential that you have plenty of printed information about the features of the home. As people often visit several open homes in one day, it can be difficult to remember which house was which. By having a fact sheet handy that prospective buyers can take with them (including your contact details of course), they will have a permanent reminder of this house and its best qualities. There’s no such thing as too much information, so be sure to include community brochures, maps of the neighborhood, school guides and anything else you can think of. People will take as much or as little as they need.

Finally, open houses can become very busy. It is important that you are able to find the time to greet and speak to each person who visits the home, so that you can welcome them, offer assistance, ask any questions and provide your contact information. It may sound strange, but locking the door to the home is actually an effective way of achieving this – you will have to physically greet each person who shows up, and this gives you a great chance to provide them with the necessary information and ensure that they feel at home.

Guest Contributor: Kurt Jacobson is a surfing enthusiast with a background in real estate. Having moved 10 times in the past 7 years, he thrives on helping others learn from his experiences. When he’s not out shredding waves he writes about Maine Houses for Rent for