Aren’t you excited? Your list of clients is growing and there is the possibility of another sale in the near future. But how do you keep your clients happy and satisfied with your working relationship? Don’t wait until a problem arises. Set yourself and your clients up for a gratifying working relationship by following these 6 suggestions.
1) Be respectful. You will want to treat each client and prospective clients with the highest respect. Show courtesy and sincerity when you talk with them. Your job is to answer their questions with dignity. The respect you show your clients now will pay off in return business and future referrals.
2) Be direct. Your client wants details and facts. Don’t try to sugar coat the bad news. If you must give them bad news, share it in person when possible rather than through a text or email. Explain options to them in plain language, not jargon that will frustrate them.
3) Be open. Every family is going to have different values that will be the driving force for the home they purchase. Respect their values and help them search for their perfect home in an area that you wouldn’t normally consider. They will look at a home through their own lens, not yours. Be open to that fact and don’t be afraid to show them homes with unique characteristics.
4) Be proactive. You need to become an “ideas” person. When the clients don’t know what type of home they are seeking, you need to show them a broad spectrum of homes. Suggest various amenities that they may not have even thought of, for example, would they want their new home already wired for technology? Know the appealing features of a property and be ready to answer your clients’ questions about them. Do your homework ahead of time and your clients will be confident in your knowledge.
5) Be thorough. Be ready to answer any and all questions that your clients have about the neighborhoods. In order to do this you must know your neighborhoods inside and out. Spend time at the neighborhood coffee shops. Go to a local street fair. Volunteer for a park spruce up day. Visit school open houses. The more details you have about the local neighborhoods, the more information you can share with your clients. It takes time, but if you can point out the local organic food store and describe the mouth-watering fruit it sells, you may seal the deal faster.
6) Be attentive. Turn your listening skills into your best quality. Listen for the needs, wants and desires of your clients. Tune in to clues that they share about their dream home. This will help define your search. If they share their love of adopting shelter dogs, they may need a home with a fenced lawn.